Case Study Title — template


Yan Li
3 min readJul 9, 2021

Project Overview

The product:

Insert a few sentences about the app, website, or other product that you designed and the target users

Project duration:

Insert the time that you worked on this design project — e.g., Month Year to Month Year

Preview of selected polished designs.

The problem:

Insert one to two sentences about the problem(s) you were trying to solve.

The goal:

Insert one to two sentences about the goal of the project.

My role:

Identify your role in the project — e.g., lead UX designer, UX researcher, etc.


List the responsibilities you had throughout the project — e.g., user research, wireframing, prototyping, etc.

Understanding the user

User research: summary

Write a short paragraph describing your user research.

This can include the type of research you conducted, assumptions that you made going into the research, and how your assumptions changed after conducting research.

User research: pain points

  • Pain Point 1: Write one to two sentences reflecting on the pain point listed above and how it will guide designs moving forward.
  • Pain Point 2: Write one to two sentences reflecting on the pain point listed above and how it will guide designs moving forward.
  • Pain Point 3: Write one to two sentences reflecting on the pain point listed above and how it will guide designs moving forward.


Problem statement:[User name] is a [user characteristics]who needs [user need] because[insight].

User journey map

[Your notes about goals and thought process]

Starting the design (ideation)

Paper wireframes

[Your notes about goals and thought process]

Image of paper wireframes including five different versions of the same screen and one image of the new, refined version

Digital wireframes

[Your notes about goals and thought process]

Mid-fidelity prototype

[Link to Mid-fidelity prototype and brief description of the user flow]

Usability study: findings

Write a short introduction to the usability studies you conducted and your findings.

Round 1 findings

  1. Finding 1
  2. Finding 2
  3. Finding 3

Round 2 findings

  1. Finding 1
  2. Finding 2
  3. Finding 3

Refining the design


[Your notes about goals and thought process]

High-fidelity prototype

[Link to high-fidelity prototype]

Next Steps


Insert one to two sentences summarizing the impact of your designs. In the real world, you’d include data like the number of downloads or sign ups, but since this is a course project, you can include a positive quote from a peer
or study participant.

What I learned:

Insert a few sentences summarizing what you learned throughout the project.

Next Steps:

Insert a few sentences summarizing the next steps you would take with this project and why.

Let’s connect!

Insert a brief sentence or two about contacting you and/or reviewing more of your work.

Provide your contact information here. This might include your email address, phone number, and website or link to other professional platforms.

Thank you!



Yan Li

This is a series of publications documenting my journey evolving from Interior Architecture to Product Design | UXUI.